The Lightness of B

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"But I'm trying, Ringo. I'm trying real hard to be the shepherd."

Monday, January 16, 2012

This is Major Tom to Ground Control

Oh right. I had this thing I wrote in once. And then I stopped. Such is my downfall.

But thank the gods for technology, eh? Since I apparently can't remember to update from my laptop, Apple's taken care of adding a blogger app (which, annoyingly, is just for iphone...meaning I'm seeing it on a much smaller scale on the ipad, which I also have to sit upright rather than longways, otherwise I'm typing sideways. Man, first-world problems.)

Anyways, I've been reading some great stuff in the last...uh...two years. So I'm gonna get back on writing about that pronto.

Oh, and the ipad. I have to clarify this, because I usually don't own anything expensive brand-new. I won this sucker from a skill game for two dollars. Two dollars, man, and it was a buck a chance. I know the company probably made a few grand off of people trying for it, but I'm the lucky jerk who got it for less than the cost of a good cup of coffee.

What makes it better is I wanted one. But I wanted it like I want a moon rock, or a date with Ed Helms or something. Think pipe dreams, and then go beyond it. If I had that money to drop, I could never justify it because it is totally not a tool for productivity (hence, blogging).

So the reason I have this ipad (and the reason I am mentioning it) isn't because I am a hipster. It's because I have really good hand-eye coordination (thanks, video games!) and am sometimes just really, really effing lucky. Not a bad combination at the end of the day.